Result of Service The results of the studies will help to reorganize the understanding of the data integrated in the thematic platforms and leverage the capacity for analysis and advice based on these data.
With greater capacity to explore reorganized data, it is intended to better support discussions on public policies related to the themes of the platforms.
Work Location Braslia Expected duration 180 Days Duties and Responsibilities Building a means of integrating databases and visualizing them in an agile and simplified way has become an indispensable resource for applied analyzes aimed at understanding public policies and subsidizing analyses to propose their improvement.In this sense, IPEA has invested permanently, in recent years, in the development of platforms that integrate databases on common themes and, in this way, can be explored with greater analytical potential in applied research and government advice.Currently, in the Directorate of Studies and State Policies, Institutions and Democracy, there are four thematic platforms that are guided by the above principles:
Map of Civil Society Organizations Atlas of the Brazilian State Catalog of Public Policies Transport Atlas Atlas of ViolenceDespite varying degrees of data consolidation and the data presentation interface, such platforms still lack actions aimed at organizing data and making them available in a more intuitive way for researchers to research and explore.The professional to be contracted will have as the main activity working on the development of this integration, which consists both in the development of ways to make the data available and in the visual and textual organization of the integrated data.
Elaboration and execution of means to integrate and make available data related to the composition of national public bureaucracies, the partnership of non-profit entities with the public power and public policies related to public security.More broadly, the activities developed will allow the construction of a series of data panels that support the understanding of institutional structures, and of thegovernance of public policies essential to national development.The activities that guide the research activities provided for in this TR are the following:
1) Develop means of extracting integrated data from information platforms of IPEA, in particular the Atlas of the Brazilian State, the Map of Civil Society Organizations, the Transport Atlas and the Violence Atlas;2) Propose new data modeling to adapt the structure to the new needs of the platforms;3) Produce documentation of the main bases obtained, their transformations and manipulations;4) Produce description reports of the main data series available on these platforms, as a means of supporting subsequent analysis.The results will constitute subsidies for dissemination purposes through the following instruments:
a) Policy brief;b) Text for Discussion;c) Internal bulletin;d) Publication in a book (collection);e) Presentation at a seminar.
Qualifications/special skills Academic Qualifications:
- Degree in computing, informatics, communication, design or related areasExperience:
- Minimum of 03 (three) years of experience in database management, development of graphical interfaces to provide such data, website development, design and/or related areasLanguage:
- fluency in Portuguese
- Basic English Additional Information Outputs/ Works Assignment:
Product 1 Report containing actions to restructure the data interface of the Atlas of the Brazilian State and Atlas of Violence.
To be submitted 60 days after startProduct 2.
Descriptive report of the content reorganized into modular sections of the main historical data series in the Atlas of the Brazilian State.
To be submitted 90 days after startProduct 3.
Report containing actions to restructure the data interface of the CSO Map and the Public Policy Catalog.
To be submitted 120 days after startProduct 4.
Report containing restructuring actions of the Transport Atlas data.
To be submitted 150 days after startProduct 5.
Implementation routines of the proposed changes in Product 4 and report containing actions to restructure the data interface and analysis interface of the Transport Atlas.
To be submitted 180 days after start