Result of Service
Completed Mid-term reviews of GEF projects:
- "Delivering the transition to energy efficient lighting", GEFID:5299
- "Accelerating Investment in Efficient and Renewable District Energy Systems in Chile" GEFID: 10087
Completed terminal review of GEF projects:
- "Solar Water Heater Market Development Project (Panamá CSA)", GEFID: 5287
Work Location
Expected duration
9 months
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority.
It sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment.
This consultancy is in UNEP's Economy Division, Energy and Climate Branch, Climate Change Mitigation Unit, Latin America and the Caribbean team, and will be home based.
UNEP's Economy Division works with a portfolio of Global Environment Facility (GEF) medium-size and full-size climate change mitigation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The projects, which are in different stages of development (concept, design, implementation, closure), are executed by different partners (Ministries, NGOs, etc.).
The Economy Division, in its role as implementing agency, provides oversight and ensures adherence to GEF guidelines.
Under the supervision of the Task Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean for GEF mitigation projects, the consultant will undertake the mid-term review of the GEF projects: "Delivering the transition to energy efficient lighting (Bolivia)", GEFID:5299 and "Accelerating Investment in Efficient and Renewable District Energy Systems in Chile", GEFID: 10087, and the terminal review of the GEF project "Solar Water Heater Market Development Project (Panamá CSA)", GEFID: 5287.
3.2 Specific tasks and responsibilities
- Author and lead of the mid-term and terminal review for the aforementioned projects in accordance with GEF and UNEP policies.
- Overall responsibility for undertaking the review and preparing the final report in English
- Evaluation of all elements of the projects in accordance with UNEP evaluation office guidance documents.
- Deliverables to be prepared in accordance with UNEP evaluation office templates.
The consultant will develop mid-term and terminal review findings and recommendations based on sound evidence and analysis, and clearly document these in the final reports.
Information will be triangulated (i.e.
verified from different sources) as far as possible, and when verification is not possible, the single source will be mentioned (whilst anonymity is still protected).
Analysis leading to evaluative judgements should always be clearly spelled out.
The consultant shall base the findings of the mid-term and terminal reviews on the following:
a) A desk review of:
- Relevant background documentation, inter alia:
- Project document and appendices.
This includes, among others, relevant workplans, budget and supervision plans, as well as any revisions introduced after approval.
- Theory of change, problem tree and logical framework.
- Project reports, including: half year progress reports, project implementation reports (PIRs), expenditure reports, financial statements, audits, inventory reports, progress reports from collaborating partners, meeting minutes, relevant correspondence and Tracking Tool;
- Evaluations/Reviews of similar projects.
b) Interviews (individual or in group) with, including but not limited to:
- UNEP Task Manager (TM) and team members;
- Project Manager (PM) and team members;
- UNEP Administrative Officer (AO);
- Project steering committee
- Identified stakeholders, including governmental agencies and officials, representatives from technology and educational institutions, distribution utilities, banks, associations, and NGOs.
Other data collection tools: If needed, to be agreed between the Task Manager, the Project Manager and the terminal review consultant at the inception phase.
Qualifications/special skills
- Advanced university degree (i.e.
master's degree or higher) in management, business administration, economics, engineering, energy or other relevant area;
- A first level degree with additional two years of qualifying experience maybe accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree;
- Minimum 3 years of experience in the evaluation and monitoring of development projects in Latin America;
- Minimum of 5 years' experience working on technical aspects of development projects in Latin America;
- Minimum of 5 years' experience working on renewable energies, energy efficiency, and energy sustainability projects in Latin America;
- Experience in working with national governments of Latin America is required;
- English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat.
For this consultancy, fluency (both oral and wri