Company: Mechanical Handling Equipment Company Inc. (MHECO.
Number of available position(s): 1
Description: Mechanical Handling Equipment Company Inc. is currently looking for highly efficient and competitive individuals to be part of our growing team. Be part of a very dynamic and innovative company established in 1984 that has successfully carved three major areas of business (Supply and Distribution of Equipment, System Integration Services and Electrical Services).
Duties and Responsibilities: Provide service and customer support during field visits and dispatches.Manage all on site installations repairs, maintenance, and test task.Produce timely and detailed service reports supported by documented processes.Follow all companys filed operations procedures and protocols.Cooperate with colleagues and share information across the organization.Comprehend customer requirements and make appropriate recommendations or briefing.Build a positive relationship with customers.Qualifications: Must be a graduate of BS Electrical Engineering or equivalentExperienced in interpreting electrical wiring or piping, instrumentation diagram, control wiring, electrical plans, and designs.Requirements: Experienced in VFD, Valves, Pumps and Motors are highly desirable.Must know how to drive a 4 Wheel Vehicle and with Drivers LicenseSkills:
(Not indicated)
Interested to apply? Send your application letter and CV to:
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The PUP JobPOST is provided free of charge to PUPstudent and alumni job seekers. All hiring andcompensation for work performed by student employees ishandled directly between the student and the employer.The Career Development and Placement Office (CDPO) doesnot perform background checks on students applying forjobs, nor on employers posting job opportunities.Employers and students are encouraged to requestreference information from each other as needed toestablish qualifications, credentials and overall fitbetween the employer and the student applicant.
All job listings are posted at the discretion of theCDPO. We will not post jobs that appear to discriminateagainst applicants on the basis of race, color,religion, creed, age, national origin, veteran status,sexual orientation, disability, or gender. The CDPO alsoreserves the right to refuse to post jobs that do notsupport the interests of the University. The CDPO makesno particular recommendations regarding employers. Wemake no representations or guarantees about positionsposted by this office. We are not responsible forsafety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspectof off-campus employment.
Job listings are checked for their validity andaccuracy. However, given that situations change rapidlyin the marketplace, we do not and cannot guarantee thatopenings listed through PUP JobPOST will still exist, asposted, at the time of inquiry. CDPO makes norepresentation or guarantee about positions listed andis not responsible for safety, wages, working conditionsor other aspects of employment. It is each individual'sresponsibility to thoroughly research the integrity ofeach organization to which he or she is applying. Thestudent should take all care and use common sense andcaution when applying for or accepting any position
Students are urged to perform due diligence inresearching employers when applying for or acceptingprivate, off-campus employment. CDPO staff members areavailable for consultation on how to researchprospective employers.
For additional information regarding this disclaimer,contact the CDPO at (+632) 714-0593 or (+632) 716-7832to 45 local 340.
All content is in the public domain unless otherwise stated.
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